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March Theme | Grit

Member of the Month – Lorry Prentis

One of my favorite books of the past few years is Grit, The Power of Passion and Perseverance – by Angela Duckworth.  I value the lessons in the book so much that I have given copies to friends, colleagues, and family members – including our great team here at Dogma Athletica.

Angela opens the book sharing what led her to the study of grit.  She was commissioned by the US Military Academy at West Point to determine what factors predicted which students would succeed and which would drop out of the program.  Angela and her team looked at grades, athletics, fitness, standardized test scores, etc. etc.  None of those items was a valid predictor of success at West Point.  The team found that grit – demonstrated over weeks, months, years – was the best predictor of success.  And not just at West Point, but in life overall!

I’ve seen and experienced several occasions where sport has offered great analogies and lessons for life.  I think foremost among these is the development and application of grit.  Exercise and athletic endeavors help develop grit, and they give us great examples for how it can be applied to more meaningful pursuits.  I enjoy seeing our adult clients in here pushing themselves physically, and I know their focus carries over to their pursuits outside the gym.  And I love seeing our youth clients learning what it means to push themselves, and developing those foundational characteristics that will benefit them throughout their lives.

This is one of the many reasons Misti and I undertook this endeavor, and we hope everyone associated with Dogma Athletica benefits from it.

And speaking of grit….

Dogma Athletica Member of the Month Lorry Prentis

Dogma Athletica March Member of the Month – Lorry Prentis

Lorry is one of those people who exudes grit.  I watch her move through some of our really tough Dogma classes and I can see her focus on executing the moves with great form.  It wasn’t until I sat down to interview her for this email that I found out she severely broke her leg about four years ago with plates and screws inserted to repair it and a lengthy recovery process that brought her to Dogma Athletica.  Working her way through that injury and regaining function took grit and dedication.

Outside the gym, she has greatly contributed to the cultural and intellectual development of the Vail Valley including through her work with Vail Symposium to bring in world class speakers on some of the most important and relevant topics of our times.  I was pleased to have the opportunity to chat recently with Lorry and learn a little more about her.

Lorry, tell us a little about yourself.  Where did you go to college and what was the arc of your career?

I come from the East Coast but went to CU Boulder.  After graduating I took a job in New York City with one of the largest law firms in the world, then went to the Federal Reserve where I spent most of my career before moving into the private sector with several international banks and wrapping up my professional career at Earnst & Young.

That’s quite a career arc.  Clearly you’re a driven person.  What motivates you?  Were there people along the way who really inspired you?

I need a sense of purpose.  Involvement in the community is one of the most satisfying pieces of being here in the Vail Valley.  A lot of that stems from my work at the Fed.  People may not believe it, but the Fed is a values driven organization where we worked to have a positive impact on the world.  One of the mentors I had at the Fed whom I really admired was Kate O’Neil.  I had to make my first ever presentation to a Board of Directors, and Kate took me into the boardroom before hand, showed me where I would sit, where the others would sit, and had me go through the motions in preparation for the meeting.  She really cared about my development and invested in me.  In turn, I made it a point to invest in the people around me throughout my career.

So how did you come to train at Dogma Athletica?

I connected with Dogma Athletic after a fairly serious injury.  I had broken the tibia and fibia in one of my legs and had to have plates put in.  It was a long haul getting back into shape.  I definitely would not have the balance, strength and stamina I do today without being at Dogma Athletica.  It has given me the confidence to know I can go skiing and if I find myself caught in a situation I don’t care for I can still safely make it down the hill.

Have there been any experiences you’ve been able to enjoy from being part of Dogma Athletica?  Any vacations you might not have done otherwise?

A lot of my vacations in the past have been to cities or doing tours.  But recently I took a backroads trip in Southern California.  The work I did at Dogma Athletica allowed me to enjoy some nice long bike rides and being outside with new and different people.  I credit my workouts at Dogma Athletica for giving me the confidence to do something I had never done before.

Lorry, we really appreciate you being part of this community and sharing with us a bit more about yourself.  Before we go, is there any message you would like to pass along?

Dogma Athletica is always a positive experience for me – I always feel better walking out than when I walk in.  I give credit to the trainers.  They are all highly qualified, well trained, and willing to give modifications.  They make you feel like you’re progressing, but also achieving what is intended in the workouts!

As Member of the Month, we are happy to gift Lorry with a complimentary month membership fee along with a Dogma Athletica t-shirt!


people working out in a group fitness class

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