I couldn’t resist. This IS the season of celebration, and each of us have many gifts and treasures for which we should be thankful and celebratory. Oxford Languages dictionary defines celebration as “the action of marking one’s pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable social activity.” What a great definition!
Action – conveys movement, energy, forward motion – this is what we do at Dogma Athletica when we work together to improve our fitness physically, mentally and emotionally!
Marking one’s pleasure – happiness, joy, satisfaction – all of those positive emotions we experience when we’re fully engaged in what we do, invested in ourselves or even better invested in those around us.
Important event or occasion – whether small or grand, privately personal or publicly shared – there are plenty of opportunities for each of us to find cause for celebration in life. Hitting that weight-loss milestone, achieving that 5K PR, a promotion at work, welcoming a new child into our family, recognizing a friend for what they’ve done for us. If we pause a moment to look around us, we see that life is full of reasons to celebrate!
Engaging in enjoyable social activity – participate, become involved, establish meaningful connections. Here it is, the real core of what we all want Dogma Athletica to represent – a community where people come together, having fun with one another, fully invested in forming strong relationships to lift up and support one another in all our endeavors.
In the preface to his compilation of essays titled “Inciting Joy” author Ross Gay writes “My hunch is that joy is an ember for or precursor to wild and unpredictable and transgressive and unboundaried solidarity. And that that solidarity might incite further joy.” Celebration is what brings us together to create and experience joy, which then further unites us!
I hope this is a wonderful season of celebration for you. I know I am certainly celebrating being part of this community!